Book Review: Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris (Book 3 in the Sookie Stackhouse series 2003).

140082In the third installment of the Sookie Stackhouse series, authored by Charlaine Harris, we find Sookie and Bill in a romantic rut. Yes, things had gotten cosey again with Bill after they worked through the issues which arose during their Dallas adventure. But things still seemed to be bothering Sookie, and it turns out to be with good reason! Not only does Bill lie about his up-coming work trip, (which he needs to finish as a matter of life or death as threatened by the Queen of Louisiana) he cheats on Sookie with his former lover and “maker” Lorena. Eric and Pam appear with this information right after Bubba saves Sookie from a werewolf attack at Merlotte’s.
So what does Sookie do? She gives him another chance! I mean we have to give her a break, Bill is her first love, and that is always the hardest ever love to walk away from (even in a fiction novel)! After meeting up,with the all attractive Allcide (whose ex-girlfriend later attacks her), and travelling to Jackson, Sookie goes to the rescue, and not only takes on the King of Mississippi, Russell Eddington, she saves Bill from being tortured. All of which she accomplishes with Eric’s undeniable assistance (thus deepening the connection of the love triangle in more ways than one!). Not to mention the staking of a few necessary vampires along the way.
The sad thing is, once she saves Bill, Sookie then has to deal with the horrible things he did. The infidelity. The fact he was going to leave her. How dare he? She ends up taking matters into her own hands and rescinds invites to her home to both Bill and Eric. Is this the end of the love triangle? Or will Sookie forgive Bill for his indiscretions?
Again Charlaine Harris has put out another exciting addition to the Sookie Stackhouse series. The twists and turns all come to fruition eventually. She has left a variety of options for future story lines.
If you’re into a romance novel with a little humor and a supernatural feel, then this is definitely a good series to read. It offers something for just about anyone who can think “outside the box”. This book is a 7.5/10 rating. Recommended for ages 15 years and older.

Book Review: Living Dead in Dallas, by Charlaine Harris. (Book 2 in the Sookie Stackhouse series 2002).

living dead in dallasThe first book Dead Until Dark, ended with Sookie surviving a series of murders in her home town Bon Temp, which were committed by Arelene’s (co-worker at Merlotte’s and friend) on again off again boyfriend Rene. She is battered and bruised but alive. She also finds out that her should have been savior, boyfriend Vampire Bill Compton had gone to a regional political meeting to campaigned for a higher position to rival that of Eric Northman, the “Sherrif of Area 5″. Eric, along with Pam are from neighboring Shreveport and Eric is seen by Sookie as his “Boss”.

This book, Living Dead in Dallas, authored by Charlaine Harris, begins with Sookie bruised, but back at work, and trying to get on with her stranger than average life. However this “normalcy” doesn’t extend far into the first chapter! The cook at Merlotte’s Lafayette, is found dead in Andy Belefluer’s car, and goes from bad to worse when Bill is summoned by Eric to assist Vampires in Dallas find a missing nest brother. Sookie did make a promise to use her gift to help her new-found “friends” freely (a vital mistake in the last novel) and is now at liberty to follow through. However, this pays a toll on the Sookie and Bill love affair, as things turn sour and Sookie returns home after their trip alone.

When she arrives home there is still the issue of what happened to poor Lafayette. Determined to help Andy, Sookie asks Eric to accompany her to a “sex party” so she can use her gift to listen in on people’s thoughts. Not only do they reveal the murderer and provide an offering to a Maynard which just happened to demand respect right when things were already difficult, but Sookie also finds that she could be a part of a possible love triangle, and with Eric of all human and supernatural beings!.

What a whirlwind of events! And that isn’t all that happens. Charlaine Harris has packed this novel so full of action that it’s almost difficult to keep up. The reader often feels sorry for Sookie, as she goes through physical and emotional trials, all for the love of her Vampire. Not to mention the numerous near death experiences by various assailants, including a religious cult! And where did all this hard work get her? Alone and forced to ask a favour from a Vampire who would do anything to climb between the sheets with her. I don’t think anyone would blame Sookie if she packed her bags and headed for the proverbial hills. Bon Temps and anywhere with Vampire interest doesn’t seem safe. But even so, the risk still seems exciting.

Even though these events are all way out of the ballpark, Charlaine Harris has discovered a way to tell the story with truth and conviction from the characters point of view. Sookie Stackhouse does live in a world of Vampires and the author has taken the readers on a “sky-dive” of adventures. I think she has really created something special. I love it. The story line is so fun and it runs together like clock work.

My rating for this book is 8/10. Fabulous series so far and lots of openings for more to follow. Even though plot is very far-fetched, those who don’t ordinarily like books with a supernatural taste, would still get a kick out of this series. Recommend for ages 15 years and older.